Common Questions
What do I need to run Virtual Reality hardware?
This depends on the type of HMD you want to use.
Mobile HMDs are most typically powered by smartphones unless they come with a built-in device. There are Mobile HMDs that only allow the use of smartphones of the same brand, and there are Mobile HMDs that allow you to use a wide range of smartphones. As these are mainly powered by Android, you can gain access to VR content supporting smartphones on Google Play.
Tethered HMDs will require high powered machines to run. While system requirements vary depending on the specifications of the headset, and how intensive the content you are running is, in general, a high-end computer system is required to run the hardware (as of May 2016 this would be PCs powered with at least a GTX 970 or equivalent, with at least i5-4590 equivalent, and 8gm of ram).
A high-end machine is required in order to render content in the stereoscopic format for use with VR headsets. Rendering content twice requires more processing power than it takes to render normal games and experiences. There are some HMDs like the OSVR HDK 1 that are designed to allow users to run it on a mid-tiered gaming PC and better.
What is Virtual Reality?
Virtual reality is an immersive form of digital entertainment that replicates an environment, real or imagined, and simulates a user’s physical presence within it. These experiences also simulate sensory experiences which can include sight, touch, and hearing.
What is OSVR?
OSVR or Open Source Virtual Reality is a software platform that allows different types of VR technologies to reside in the same ecosystem. This means an end to end compatibility across different brands and devices, allowing you to use any OSVR supported HMDs, controllers and other technologies together, giving you the ability to customize the combination of hardware you would like to use.
Think of OSVR as a software that allows you to customize your VR rig the same way you can customize your PC. When buying a PC it does not matter what brand of monitor, printer, keyboard, graphics card or CPU you want to use – they all work together, allowing you to get a truly customized experience. This is what OSVR is driving for the VR industry and to date, it is the world’s most supported open VR ecosystem. It puts the power of choice in your hands.
What does it mean to be open source?
In the case of OSVR, a core part of our software’s technology is its being open source. That means anyone has the power to contribute to it and use it without fear of control or restrictions. Everyone can use the software in ways that help their technologies – to support it, and improve VR technology as a whole. The freedom allows innovators to bring you more advanced products and technologies.
Being an open ecosystem also means that it is non-biased and supports all technologies that support the ecosystem equally. VR is a new industry, and in order to truly reach its potential, equal opportunity needs to be made available to all the companies in the world rallying to support it. That means unrestricted access to hardware, content and new technologies that will help the industry as a whole.
Who is supporting OSVR?
We currently have over 320 (and counting, as of May 2016) official supporters contributing to the ecosystem in some form or the other, including companies like Intel, NVIDIA, Acer, Ubisoft, Gearbox Software and Legendary Studios.
We also have VR dedicated partners like Leap Motion, Nod Labs, Perception Neuron, Jaunt and the like. In general, we have 20 HMDs on their way to being supported, 4 to 5 different controllers, and over 150 content developers producing games, cinematic content experiences, and simulations. We are growing the ecosystem on a daily basis to broaden your content and hardware choices.
Is OSVR the same as Oculus?
No. OSVR is open source while the Oculus platform is closed. This means that the hardware offerings and content available on the Oculus platform is proprietary and limited to within the brand itself.
The OSVR ecosystem on the other is made up of different technologies from different brands.
What is HDK?
The HDK or Hacker Development Kit is a virtual reality HMD designed to bring the benefits of the OSVR ecosystem to fans of VR out of the box. Not only does it allow you to experience VR, its support for the OSVR ecosystem means access to the growing range of VR controllers and technologies that support the ecosystem.
There are two HDKs currently available:
- HDK 1 – Designed to provide all the essential technology you need to experience VR.
- HDK 2 – Designed to deliver mind-bending visual experiences with more advanced technology.
Why is it called a Hacker Development Kit? Is it for developers or consumers?
It is primarily for developers and enthusiasts.
The HDK was designed to embody the vision of the software platform – to allow for unrestricted innovation for developers.
It was created to address the needs of the emerging VR industry that requires flexibility and technology that is open to evolution. This to help power innovation and allow owners of the hardware to access the latest technologies as soon as they are supported by the ecosystem.
That being said – we are looking into simplifying the setup process so that consumers too can take advantage of what it has to offer.
What types of content can I run on the HDK or OSVR compatible HMDs?
You will be able to run VR content that supports the OSVR ecosystem or “Native OSVR Experiences”
Being open-source, we work with the community on providing access to other VR content platforms to add variety and flexibility to your content options. This includes SteamVR, emulators like Vireio Perception, and more.
For more information on the content, visit: http://www.osvr.org/featured.html
Where can I download OSVR supported content?
Check out our partner stores at www.osvr.org/featured.html
Does OSVR only support games?
OSVR is designed to support a wide variety of content from games and cinematic content to simulations, and marketing and advertising projects.
Can I play Oculus or HTC Vive content on the HDK and OSVR compatible HMDs?
We currently do not support Oculus based content officially. We do encourage you to check out the OSVR Reddit community the latest workarounds: https://www.reddit.com/r/OSVR/
We support Vive content through SteamVR. SteamVR is a platform that developers use to support the HTC Vive and through our plugin, their content will also be available on the OSVR ecosystem.
The Vive uses Room Scale tracking technology and motion controllers that are not yet available on the OSVR ecosystem. We strongly encourage you to try out SteamVR content that can be played with basic gamepad controllers.
Can my Oculus Rift or HTC Vive run OSVR content?
Not at the moment, but we are working on opportunities to make this happen.
Does OSVR have a content store?
We have a content hub here: http://www.osvr.org/featured.html
Due to the nature of our platform, we leave developers to decide where they would like to make their content available and how much they would like to charge. Our content hub serves as a central point through which we will point out to the individual distribution platforms chosen by the developers.
How do I adjust the focus on the OSVR Hacker Development Kit?
The focal adjustments on the OSVR Hacker Development kit are used to cater to individuals who are long or short-sighted between +450 degrees to -200 degrees.
In the event this level of adjustment is outside the range of your eyesight, you can try wearing glasses or contact lenses. To avoid damaging your glasses, it is recommended you loosen the straps on the HDK to accommodate it.
Use without glasses is highly recommended even if the range of the adjusters fall slightly outside of the range of your eyesight as the use of glasses can result in:
- Non-optimal field of view
- Potential blurriness
- Potential to scratch the lenses.
Why is the HDK’s Belt Box important?
Usage of the belt box will result in optimal cable management to avoid accidental tripping, potential damage to cables due to pull and strain and unintended disconnection during your VR experience.
The belt box should either be attached to your pants or a stable surface to ensure it is secure.
How do I maintain the HDK’s facemask?
The bamboo charcoal microfiber facemask can be rinsed quickly with cold water if it gets dirty. It is not recommended to wash them with hot water as the heat might split the glue in the specialized microfiber foam layer.
The facemask is attached by Velcro and is replaceable. You can purchase additional facemasks once they become available on http://www.osvr.org.
How do I maintain the HDK’s lenses?
A microfiber cloth is provided with the HDK to allow for gentle cleaning of the lens surface. Avoid using a non-microfiber cloth as this can result in hairline scratches. An air puffer is also provided to remove dust caught in between the lenses and the display.
I am suffering from motion sickness, what do I do?
If you are still suffering from motion sickness you can try moving your headless and avoiding sudden jerky movements. Fatigue or tiredness can also induce motion sickness.
If this still persists, stop using the headset. If after a period of time you still feel unwell, see a qualified medical practitioner for help.
What are the warranty terms for the Razer OSVR HDK?
The general warranty terms for Razer products also apply to the Razer OSVR HDK.
I am having trouble running my OSVR content.
Download our guides from the “How to install and run applications” section here: http://www.osvr.org/featured.html
The latency on my OSVR Hacker Development Kit is high.
Latency refers to the time in which a display responds with regards to the movement of your head. It is key to a great VR experience. High latency or lag can result in motion sickness.
If you are experiencing high latency:
- Check if you are running the latest version of the OSVR server. Update if necessary.
- Check your PC Performance. Running a VR game can be very resource-intensive. If its minimum requirements are not met, it can result in bad performance. Try to close other applications that may be using your computer’s resources.
I am having trouble getting the ideal fit for my HDK.
The HDK has got 2 main straps. Side straps and an overhead strap. In order to ensure the HDK sits well on your face to avoid discomfort to the nose and cheekbones, the overhead strap needs to be adjusted so the weight resting on your cheekbones is at an ideal comfort level. If the cable running along the overhead strap is too short you can pull it through the rear IR box carefully for more length.
The side straps should be tightened to the point where you can move your head quickly from left to right without the HDK moving. If the straps are too loose there can be a perceived latency.